Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Theological Question of the Day

Shortly before she donned her pink pig nose during circle time this morning to sing barnyard songs at preschool, Anna posed a theological question to me in the car. We were riding along talking of all things seasonal - the fact that Christmas would soon be here and we would decorate a tree, her idea to plant a pumpkin patch in our woods next year so we could take pumpkins to our friends, the changing of the leaves - and then for awhile she was silent. Preschoolers and toddlers really do have the time in the backseat of the car to ponder all of the big questions of life... the way they get to sit in the carseat with nothing to do but look out the window and think makes me a bit envious, I must admit. And while some of Anna's ponderings are age appropriate, others reach into the depths and confront the challenges we all struggle with - why are people sometimes mean? why do some people not share? why do I have to live by one standard while others live by another? Anyway, her question was short and sweet and before I give you the reasons why she asked it and my response to it, I thought I'd let you all take a stab at it....

Does God have feet?

1 comment:

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

Erich, don't worry about lowering your communication skills... we've always tried to speak with Anna as if she were an adult, even as an infant. I think it's one of the reasons why she has a crazy, huge vocabulary now.

After working in children's ministry for close to 10 years now, my first suggestion is to treat every question with supreme dignity and seriousnesses, no matter how silly or crazy.