Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Deal or . . .

Come on, you know that you just finished the sentence. Anyway, so somehow my daughter has become a big "Deal or No Deal" fan. I have no clue how it happened since we do not watch that show in our house. She must have seen it somewhere else or something, but not only does she have down the catch phrase but she also knows the concept of the game (open the cases, etc.). So last night, we told her she could watch it (boy was there a doozy of a contestant on there) and so she was staying up, playing with a little stuffed animal kitty on the floor all excited in the half hour before it came on.

Brian and I were having a random conversation when out of the corner of our ears we hear Anna ask her kitty, Holly, "Meow . . . or Meow Meow?!" in a Howie sort of voice. We lost it.


Jules said...

that's awesome. i was just telling someone that anna is well versed in a show that you've never seen. we were talking about how everyone is really into it, apparently, and none of us had even seen it. oh well, i guess it's good to see howie back at work. actually, i don't care about howie's work status, i just like his name and wanted to say it.

howie. howie howie howie.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

Howie, howie bo bowie...

You know, has he lost his accent? Because I think I remember him having more of a Latino accent in the 80s (hey, remember the 80s? insert goatboy noises here).

Jules said...

yeah, i can't remember AT ALL. i'm sure we could find an old clip somewhere... you know, if we didn't have jobs/children/lives. ah, who am i kidding? i'm just lazy.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

Brian says that he's not latino, so maybe I'm totally cornfused.

Gadsby said...

I think you are confused. If Howie is anything, he's Canadian. I think you're thinking of the guy who used to be on I Love Lucy.