Thursday, May 04, 2006


Sometimes things happen that just make you say wow (Andrea's thoughts on the word wow). An administrator at the church that I used to work for had been under some suspicion for quite some time and now has been officially charged. As messy as things were when I left, I'm thankful I wasn't working there during any of this mess.


Patriot Xeno said...

The congregation should murder him for his transgressions

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

wow, one of the infamous counterparts of the duo that is RHOG, I am so impressed with my little 'ole blog. I see you have an Old Testament view of the world. Although, I can say that I nearly agree with you. I don't even want to detail the nitty gritty that I'm aware of in this particular case. If it's all true, this guy is the ultimate slimeball.

CGrim said...

Are we really infamous?

I just had a funny thought of an entire congregation actually murdering a slimeball pastor... heh... but I don't know if it would be as funny if it weren't 2 am.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

maybe infamous is not right... notorious? no, no ... what about legendary? nah, really I feel like I've been reading your blog forever but not really knowing you guys.

fortunately (if there is any fortune in this whole situation), the guy was not actually an ordained pastor but just an administrator/business manager.