Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Ow, Ow, Ow.... I am sitting at my computer with a very sore neck/back, an incredibly bruised right upper arm, and a nice rub burn on both my arm and my neck having recently returned from the Immediate Care center near our house. Luckily, no major damage, everything is superficial and I didn't have to have a tetanus shot but OW.

So how did I find myself in such a predicament this fine afternoon? Well I hopped out on the mower, hoping to get the yard mowed this afternoon (it's halfway done at least). I was zipping along in the backyard on the riding mower, near the swingset. I went under the swings on one pass, no problems - this is something I do all of the time. The next time I went through, something went dreadfully wrong and folks I ended up with my neck caught in one of Anna's swings with the mower, in 4th gear mind you, continuing on a trajectory toward the big pond. As I gagged, several thoughts went through my mind - not too different from Becky T.'s (sensitive ears or small people reading, be mindful) tale of falling off of the porch but a bit more serious.... crap, omg I am not going to get this thing off of my neck, crap crap crap, it could take my head off, even if I do get it off, I'm going to end up in the pond, this is going to jerk me off of the mower, this is going to make for one heck of an obituary, Brian is going to have to answer the question "She did what?" at the funeral...

As the doctor @ the Medcheck place said - the good Lord kept me from serious harm. And while I'm achey, she said ibuprofen and rest should take care of it. Really I wasn't overly inconvenienced (have to finish the yard tomorrow, missed my spinning class tonight) and the biggest bruise was on my pride. A doctor friend of mine noted that I should have got it on tape because I could have won AFV... I was glad no one saw.

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