Monday, August 11, 2008

Testing 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . .

So I'm not sure anyone is really out there any more since I post so infrequently.  I am changing direction and trying to post something small every day.  We'll see if it works!  Anyway many of you know that I am addicted to getting something for nothing . . . I am the self proclaimed Queen of Free!  

Here's the freebie of the day from Walmart.  Walmart has great free samples which come quickly through the mail.  No 4-6 weeks of waiting there!  They change over their products on a consistent basis and you can depend on them not selling or giving your information to spam sites.  Today's freebie is an Orville Redenbacher Popcorn Cake snack.  I can't testify to its nutritional content because I haven't seen the fact label.  Happy Freebie.  By the way, I must take this moment to help you remember that ole Orville hails from Indiana (Brazil, specifically for those fans of the Wabash Valley) so he was a fellow Hoosier.


=)Bnpositive said...

Welcome back. If you do regular small posts and regularly feature a freebie you can get, you'll get more and more readers.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

That's the plan. :)