Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A little over a year

For a little over a year, I have resisted blogging... Mainly because I have been pretty busy with school and a now three-year-old. Life has changed little and greatly at the same time. We're living in the same place, in the same jobs, have the same great kid. But I've endured a year of graduate school full-time, Anna is potty-trained, and B has endured a year of me in graduate school and Anna being potty-trained. I really can't complain. Life is good. I'll try to be a more faithful blogger, but no guarantees. In some ways, blogging feels to me like someone is looking in your underwear drawer. It leaves you incredibly exposed and vulnerable. But then again, there's something freeing about that at the same time. This is not an invitation; however, to come over and look through my underwear drawer.

This is a recent picture of Anna on her new swingset, built at her Swingset Raising Third Birthday Party. That's right, when it comes to manual labor, the Lowes do it up Amish style.