Tuesday, May 30, 2006


It's always good to share good news... and this is some terrific news for a acquaintance/friend, Scot Longyear, who pastors a church in Terre Haute that B and I used to frequent long ago. He also used to be lead in a band that we loved who came and did a couple of conferences for us when I worked for the church. Anyway, I digress.

Scot received a Lily Clergy Renewal Grant from the Lily Foundation and is going to get to do all kinds of cool and crazy things in the summer of 2007 while his congregation is well cared for, encouraged, and challenged in good 'ole Terre Haute, IN.

Scot's love for Christ and energy for spreading the gospel in new and interesting ways spills out all over the edges. And though we've not been to eXchange for several years now, I've kept up with his sermons on my iPod as they podcast. It's always awesome to see someone blessed who has blessed your life and the life of your family.

For full details check out this Tribune Star article or go to their website (if you're an audial learner) and hear details of the grant.