Thursday, June 15, 2006

I have issues...

Ok, no big shock to most of you... Cherie has issues. Notice, not an issue, but issues plural - one of which came to the surface today when I was working out at the gym. There I was full on plugging away with heavy duty cardio on the eliptical... doing the hill program with the resistance ramped up to level 17 about 24 minutes into a 65 minute workout and this guy gets on the machine next to me. Now, I have no problems working out next to others. I'm not big on talking to people - especially strangers - while I'm working out (which happened yesterday on another cardio machine) b/c I want my heart rate to the point where I can barely breathe, let alone talk. And fortunately this guy didn't try to talk to me but what he did was even worse! Consistently for the remainder of his workout which was about 7 minutes less than mine he snorted, hawked up stuff, and blew his nose on his shirt. EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! And this was not a one time, but I've gotta get this mucus out of my system thing, it was a continual over and over and over again sort of thing. DISGUSTING. I shot him a few dirty looks but what I really wanted to do was spit on him (not exactly the best way to cope with my anger, I know but in all honesty it was what was continually crossing my mind).

I guess I just want the same courtesy that I extend to others. One early AM this spring when I was working out, I had a bit of a coughing fit. Two coughs in, I got off, went to the stretching area, tried to drop my heart rate and resume normal breathing. It didn't work, so I went down to the locker room where I hawked up some stuff (gross, I know but let's be honest here) but couldn't quit coughing so I went home! When you have to blow your nose that many times on your shirt your body is telling you something - GO HOME and rest. YUCK. That is all for now.