Saturday, January 28, 2006

Now I lay me down to sleep...

So Brian has these bizarre dreams. I'm assuming they're dreams because he's not awake and he has no recollection of them later. Anyway, about 2 years after we'd been married he began to jerk awake at night upon occasion (I would guess about every 6 months or so roughly). Many times, he was violent. I had a scratch or two to prove it in the morning. And oftentimes his dreams revolved around animals of some sort. I'm told that they're called Night Terrors because of these particular stipulations.

Needless to say, I often feel like William Shatner to his James Spader, sleeping next to him so he doesn't injury himself or turn the bed upside down. I just witnessed his first "Day Terror" of sorts. He was snoozing away in the recliner with Anna snoring on the couch (who knew she snored?!) and he jerked wide awake down out of the chair stood up, looked at a watch on his wrist that was not there and said, "I'm forgetting something I'm supposed to do today." His eyes were fully opened and he looked bewildered (I know it's cliche, but it's the best word I can think of to describe his mental state). Like his night terrors, he immediately fell back asleep after I talked to him soothingly and helped him realize (consciously or subconsciously, I'm not sure) that everything was fine. It always seems a bit (ok, a lot) unfair that he quickly returns to sleep while my heart races further on and BP spikes. I wonder if he'll remember what he's done when he wakes.