Wednesday, April 12, 2006

You know it's springtime on campus when...

If anyone out there is still reading my blog, post a thought or two in the comments on this one. A lot of you either currently work on or near a college campus (or have in the recent past). I thought it would be fun to gather some thoughts of college life signs of spring. Here are a few to get you going.

You know it's springtime on campus when:
  • The hotdog vendor is set up on the sidewalk
  • You see more capri pants (especially those with thongs near the top eewwww.... I promise I'm not looking but it's like a train wreck).
  • Students in flip flops
  • People eating outside


Jules said...

guitar players on the green...

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

yes, and frisbees/hackey sacks!

Gadsby said...

Baseball. I can see the lights on Tech's field from here.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

should have thought of baseball! um, let's see what else... students with more excuses as to why they have late papers and missed classes