Tuesday, May 09, 2006


While last semester, I had a student evaluation that referred to me as a "grading Nazi," this semester the reviews were a bit more complimentary. For example, "Cherie did an excellent job teaching last week--she made it WAY more entertaining. Otherwise lectures were WAY boring." I think my prof. enjoyed this one immensely.


cath said...

ok - well 7th graders have a bit less of a vocabulary then college kids but are equally willing to give their opinions. Each year I get at least one "bitch" comment from a student. Which then results in them walking down to the principals office.
But deep down, I smile. Yes, I'm the evil teacher...but doesn't that just mean I'm doing my job? And the kid with the mouth is always the disruptive, not-staying-on-task one. So, if he doesn't like what i'm doing (usually asking him to participate)....I guess it doesn't bother me too much. I would be lieing if I said that - at least sometimes - I don't like being the bad guy.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

yeah, I struggled a bit at first with the grading Nazi thing, but then I kind of adopted it a bit. I mean, to me, it says, this person has a standard for excellence and does not hand out grades like many other do.

Looking back now, my most "evil" teachers were the best ones whom I learned the most from.