Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bullfrog Jog

I've been running more miles than riding lately . . . but soon it will be back to the seat in preparation for the RAIN as there's just a little over a month before it will be here. I am registered up and ready to go so at least I'm committed. I need to regularly put in some road miles in addition to the spinning classes I've been taking. I'm really looking forward to some solitary time on the bike.

This past weekend, I ran in my first 5K. It was a lot of fun (yes I said fun). It was a family affair, a benefit run for leukemia research in honor of a family friend who passed away a couple of years ago and the whole family got in on the action. My dad, Brian, and Anna did the 1 mile kids' fun run/walk. Brian and Dad were 2 of 3 adults in this "race," had anticipated Anna walking the whole thing but when all of the other kids took off, so did she (she was probably the smallest one out there except for the little one being pushed in a stroller by the other adult) and they were forced to jog along with her. The look that they shot each other when she began running was priceless! She got a little tired but didn't quit and made it the whole route. It was super fun cheering for her as she came across the finish line. I'm hoping this is the first of many fun runs for Anna. I think it would be a great hobby for her and she really, really enjoyed it, from the number she got to pin on to the freebies from McDonalds and Wendy's that she got when she crossed the finish line (nothing says healthful living like a one mile run and some fresh french fries). She was also a terrific support while I was running.

My mom, my niece, and I all did the 5K. They walked/ran and I ran the whole thing. I really had no expectations. I simply wanted to finish and run the majority of the time. I had placed no stipulations on myself. I was able to easily run the entire thing (with my iPod of course) and did it in 26:02 which wasn't too bad. According to my husband, I was the 5th female to finish. Granted, there weren't that many people running it and the gal in front of me was in middle school but hey, for my first one, I'll take it. I usually run 3.5 miles in the neighborhood across the street and it takes me around 35 minutes so I'm guessing I ran a little bit faster than I normally do . . . I think it might be the competitive spirit in me. I really enjoyed passing people, especially toward the end of the run when I was passing the walkers, essentially "lapping" them. The course was flat (with a few gradual inclines here and there) and well shaded. The weather was perfect. Since the park was so small, we actually lapped the entire park 1.5 times. So that meant I got to pass by my dad, Brian, and Anna more than a few times which was incredibly encouraging. It's hard not to smile at your pig-tailed four year old who is giving you a "round" of applause by clapping her hands in a circle. Another spectator commented to Brian that I was the only person running who was smiling. :) I seriously did have fun.

After the run (I got a medal, woot, woot . . . I gave it to Anna), I recovered and waited for my mom and niece to cross the finish line. Then, there were some raffle drawings. I of course promptly won a DQ ice cream cake from the Sullivan Dairy Queen which kind of defeats the purpose of running 3 miles but whatever. Anna was excited.

One of the coolest things about the course was that they had posted pics of people who were either battling leukemia or who had passed away from it. They were all local folks people, I knew either personally or knew their families, including my own great uncle. It's rather humbling when you're getting worn out to realize your battle to finish a run is nothing like a battle for one's life.

We were all finished and on our way by 10 AM with all of our Saturday to enjoy. It made Brian and I both want to sign up for an event almost every weekend. I definitely will run more 5Ks and maybe even further distances in the future.

Good enough, Julie? :)

1 comment:

Jules said...

yay for the whole Lowe family! i love the feeling of accomplishment a race gives you at that time on a Saturday morning. i'm so glad you loved it. and by the way, your time was a lot better than "not too bad!" seriously. that's a faboolous first 5K. i don't know many people our age who have never done a race before and do that well their first time out. in fact, i can't think of one. just you. :) stop blushing. you rock.