Monday, February 02, 2004

An applesauce sort of day...

I have applesauce in my hair. It's a normal day for me and I have applesauce in my hair. Not that I always have applesauce in my hair, but just that today I do. You see, I am known to many people through many different titles. I carry the title daughter, wife, friend, wonder woman wanna be, and the newest, most recently birthed title of mommy. Being "mommy" means that you sometimes have applesauce in your hair. It means that occasionally you give up the pleasure of showering for the quiet of an hour. It means that life slows down when it snows. It means that giggles enrich the quailty of your day. It means that a hug and a kiss can leave you feeling warm inside for hours. It means that once naptime is over, life is back to normal again. And no matter how hard you try, you can't imagine life when you weren't mommy.

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