Monday, August 22, 2005

First Day of School...

Ok, so I have the jitters. I slept awful last night. I'm up at the crack of dawn, making coffee, doing laundry, and making lunches... it can only mean one thing - first day of school! Now, it's not my first day of school (my TAship doesn't officially start until Wednesday); however, it is Anna's first day @ the IUPUI Center for Young Children (there's a link to the right, go to "Take a Tour" and there's a nice QuickTime video of the place). I have the nervous mommy, my little baby's growing up so fast blues. Anna is totally ready. Even though she is still sleeping right now, her backpack is packed, and she's been pestering me about this moment for about two months. We'll see how the day goes. She'll be there from about 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM. I promise to post pictures later on this evening and give you a full report.

Pray for us both if you get the chance. I think I'll need it more than she. But thank the Lord for one way glass, so I can be the creepy lady in the hall all day long, staring into her classroom. :)

1 comment:

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

I'm not too, too worried about the TAship. It looks like primarily I'm the A/V girl (running powerpoint, sound, lights for the prof) and then doing the bulk of all of the grading. I'm also running review sessions and possibly filling in if needed. So, it shouldn't be too bad. In fact, it has to be better than today where I feel like I'm counting the hours because I don't have a whole lot to do. ARGH, still 3 more hours til I pick up Anna. I'm going insane.