Monday, August 22, 2005

My Little Scholar

Here's Anna on her first day of school at her classroom window! She had a great day, making a new friend named Baker and also apparently an arch-enemy simply known as "the curly haired girl." We think the curly haired girl must have a sad heart since she kicks and takes things away from others. For lunch, she had a salad, hotdog, and corn (but she didn't eat the salad). They sang songs and read the book "The Silly Teacher." She played on the playground but didn't go down the slide because it was too hot. She took a nap and might have been the last to get up since when I arrived she was the only one at the snack table and she looked a little disoriented. Miss Elizabeth, her teacher, was very nice and said Anna had a great day.

I survived but couldn't hold out til 4:30 PM to pick her up, arriving around 3:30 instead. I know, I'm a wimp. But I'm sure it will be easier on Wednesday as my class doesn't end until 3:45 PM and I'm supposed to hang around and be available for students. But I did get a lot done in the morning hours and took a very long walk (the length of the entire canal and back!) at lunch time. It was beautiful today (I have the farmer's "tan" to prove it, too).


Anonymous said...

Absurdly cute, indeed. :-) You'll have to tell us how the rest of her (and your) week goes!

Jules said...

Ha. I love the "arch enemy." There's always one at every stage in life. Currently mine is the alarm clock.

Ok, so I've used that line before (aka "lasterday") in blog-world. It's all I could think of that didn't a) sell someone else out or b) sell myself out. Tell Anna I've got her back against "the curly haired girl." I'm sure Baker does too.