Friday, September 16, 2005

Epic adventure of the Smurfs

So I sat at this lunch table my freshman year in high school, trying most of the time unsuccessfully to fit in with the cool girls. And there was this girl who used the "f" word as every part of speech. I had to try my best not to laugh out loud because it sounded so utterly ridiculous. Anyway, it occurred to me that the only other word that I had heard used in a similar way is "smurf," which got me thinking of one of my favorite SNL sketches of all time.


Anonymous said...
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wild violets said...

There is some way you're supposed to be able to stop spam messages -- adding word verification or something like that? Maybe it's an option when you log in?

wild violets said...

I figured it out. You log in and go under Comments and choose the Word Verification option. Supposedly that stops the spam. I know not what word verification is, though.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

Thanks Dawn. I think I've got it fixed. :)

Jules said...

Haha! I was so glad you sent me to this the other day. It's true--people who overuse any word (usually the F word, or similar) sound JUST THIS RIDICULOUS. Excellent parallel, Cher.