Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Favorite quote of the day

Something on the news at noon here in Indy tickled my fancy... it sounded a little something like this - "Police say they are looking for a man known as 'little Willie.' The suspect has a glass eye." Little Willie just sounds like a guy with a glass eye, doesn't it?


Jules said...

This reminds me of "one-eyed Willie," from one of my all-time favorite 80s movies, The Goonies. We saw this at the midnight show sometime last year at the Kentucky Theater, and I was in heaven. Cyndi Lauper, Chunk (Hey you guuuuys!!), and little baby Sean Astin light years before LOTR - you gotta love it.

Jules said...

I'VE got to blog on Clint? YOU'VE got to blog on Clint!

Jules said...

Was that for me or Cherie, Erich?