Monday, June 19, 2006

Cancer, Church Splits, Divorce, and a Good Bike Ride

So I have plenty that I could blog on today... some good friends are traveling the path of divorce, my mom was recently diagnosed with a skin cancer spot and two good friends are currently in cancer treatment, my childhood church (6th grade through beyond college when I would go home) is going through a messy nasty split with lies coming from the Sr. Pastor, but I what I'm choosing to blog about is an awesome bike ride I had yesterday.

Many of you know that this year I've made the most firm commitment to fitness that I've made well ever. I've been consistently in the gym at least 5 days a week for the entire year, changed my eating habits, and have been training to ride the RAIN ride (we'll still see if that happens). As a result, I've dropped about 17 lbs (yes I am bragging a little). Anyway, yesterday, while celebrating Father's Day with my parents, I took a wonderful country ride on backroads near their 10 acre property.

I saw 5 deer on 2 different occasions. 2 ran right in front of me as I pedaled along. It was the perfect temp as I could work up a good sweat without becoming dehyrdrated. While it was a bit windy, that kept me comfortable. I got a little lost, which made me nervous because while gangs will kill you, hillbillies will keep you. But I saw some beautiful country, rolling hills, creeks, trees, flowers, cornfields, birds singing, and good tunes on my iPod... ah, home. As a side note, "Boondocks" and "Wide Open Spaces" fit much better with a country ride than "The Humpty Dance" and "Gonna Fly Now" sure moved my butt down the highway (YEAH for the Tennessee mix!). I did both road riding on SR 63 and some gravel roading it which was a great resistance exercise built in. And in the end, I cleared close to 13 miles (12.8) in a little under an hour, moving at a fair clip. I felt great, not even worn out and today I'm barely saddle sore. It was the best part of the weekend, by far.


=)Bnpositive said...

How much riding do you do? Interested in writing a post every now and then about your experiences riding on my cycling blog I'm trying to get rolling (excuse the pun).

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

Not as much as I'd like to do and unfortunately around here there's not a lot to work with. I'll ride neighborhoods, but I grew up with and perfer my country rides.

I'd be glad to post now and again, just let me know what I need to do. Keep in mind that I am the super amateur, my toes point out like a duck when I ride, and I don't have a clue as to bike maintenance or brands, gear, shoes, materials, anything... I just push the pedals and wheels go round and round.

Taylor Walters Denyer said...

What?! How is she? Is it just a matter of the doctor cutting out the cancer spots?

Have you picked up my bike at the parents' yet?

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

I'm not 100% sure. She scheduled a follow up but they couldn't get her in until August... I don't think it's a major, major though.

E-mailed your dad yesterday and they're going to bring it to me. I have no bike rack which has presented a bit of retrieval problem. :) hopefully this week, I'll get cooking on it.

Taylor Walters Denyer said...
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Taylor Walters Denyer said...

Well I hope you use it more than I have the past few years. It's a good road bike, but it just sits there taunting me--reminding me that at one point in my life a 20 mile ride was no big deal.

It's not very fun riding in DC unless you first take public transpo to another part of town, which requires planning and discipline. If you use it to get somewhere, there's the question of if it will still be where you locked it (I lost a junker bike that way).