Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Everyone Needs it Freebie

Or at least I hope everyone needs it, uses it, etc.  So you need to directly click over here to Walmart's Free Samples and get yourself a free roll of toilet paper (supplies are limited so HURRY!).  Who wouldn't want to save a few pennies on something essential like this?  And since it's a whole roll and not just a little packet of TP, it's well worth a few seconds of your day!  If you're picky when it comes to your brands, this a quality one, Scott Extra Soft which is also a Box Tops for Education participant so a highly rated product in our household.  Now even if you don't use it for it's proper function, the fall season will be upon us soon and you can use it to *ahem* decorate your neighbor's yard.  If you liked today's freebie, leave me me a little comment love.  I'd like to know who's out there reading!

1 comment:

Tony Hii said...

Hello, you have a nice blog.