Monday, August 25, 2008

God likes Boggle

So Anna and Brian have recently taken up playing Boggle in the evenings together.  Anna's getting pretty good at it, finding some words we don't see upon occasion (air and coin were her biggest finds last week) and as she has B's logical mathematical brain, I'm sure she'll be beating my pants off soon.  This is the EXACT reason why I don't like to play Boggle with Brian b/c he ALWAYS beats me.

Anyway, here's a pic of one of their recent Boggle shakes . . . we were amazed to see the words God, Lord, Quit, Sin, and Self on the board.  This has serious potential to become an internet forward but I'm going to resist and only post it here.  I PROMISE we did not arrange the letters or anything like that.  This is simply what came out.


Anonymous said...

It also has "TBN," but I'll let you decide whether that fits in with "God" or "sin."

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

tin, nit, and lint are all in there, too. I will be sure to send this to TBN as I might be able to make some money for it.